Hidden Stories: Books Along the Silk Roads is a collaboration of the Aga Khan Museum with members of the University of Toronto’s Old Books, New Science lab. We would like to thank those who participated in this collaboration, as well as those colleagues who generously shared their time and expertise:
The Book and the Silk Roads Project, University of Toronto
Suzanne Conklin Akbari
Sara Ameri
Alexandra Atiya
Alexandra Bolintineanu
Rachel Di Cresce
Sloane Geddes
Alexandra Gillespie
Amanda Goodman
Thinley Gyatso
Mo Hechanova
C.E.M. Henderson
Gabriella Hoskin
Jessica Lockhart
Dario Mastroianni
J.R. Mattison
Sian Meikle
Morgan Moore
Melissa Moreton
Luther Obrock
J.D. Sargan
Maria Mercedes Tuya
Aga Khan Museum
Ulrike Al-Khamis
Hayley Andrew
Simon Barron
Patricia Bentley
Alessandra Cirelli
Karen Donaldson
Christine Elson
Kelly Frances
Salima Habib
Celina Johnson
Chelsea Jorge
Filiz Çakır Phillip
Rachel Pryce
Corey Ruf
Marika Sardar
Megan White
Royal Ontario Museum
Wen-chien Cheng
Deepali Dewan
Sarah Fee
Lisa Golombek
Anu Liivandi
Chen Shen
Fahmida Suleman
Akiko Takesue
Nicola Woods
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library
Paul Armstrong
Pearce Carefoote
David Fernández
Linda Joy
Loryl MacDonald
Timothy Perry
Nadav Sharon
Western University
Kate Helsen
Deborah Meert-Williston
Sharang Sharma
Rayanne Tipert
Andrew Nelson
Debra Lacoste
Wolf Collection
Marshall Wolf
Marilyn R. Wolf
Chris Andersen
Aly Abdelaziz
Alexandra Gillespie
Alisha Goossens
Giovanni Grasselli
Johnson Ha
David Hocking
Bezawit Fekadu Haile
Mei Li
Jessica Lockhart
Deborah Meert-Williston
Hatem Mehrez
Chris Monette
Andrew Nelson
Yusheng Qiu
J.D. Sargan
The Museum of Ontario Archaeology
Area Experts - External
Michelle al-Ferzly
Sheila Canby
Eyob Derillo
Christiane Gruber
Paul Hepworth
Andreas Marks
Sana Mirza
Luther Obrock
Walid Saleh
Karin Scheper
Anthony Scott
Courtney Stewart
Lale Uluç
Julie Vig